February 2025 Construction Update

Moving into the first full week of February, construction activity at Coldwater Solar is slated to ramp up with pile installation starting this month, panel delivery in the coming months, and full installation of the project starting in the late spring and continuing throughout the summer. Here's a quick look at our latest updates and what’s ahead: Construction Progress Update Here are some recent highlights: Underground Collection Line: Installation of underground collection line continues throughout the site. This includes trenching, laying, and backfilling, as well as drain tile repair and rerouting as required based on the site layout. Inverter Pile Installation: You may have noticed or heard crews out installing the initial piles for our inverter pads. The inverters convert the DC power generated by the panels to AC power, which travels on the transmission line and is used in all of our homes. Each Inverter has 10 piles and the pile crew has been working relatively quickly throughout the site over the next few weeks to complete this task. Pile Layout: Crews are also starting to position piles throughout the site that will be driven into the ground for mounting of our tracking system and eventually the panels themselves. Crews positioning inverter piles for installation Upcoming Activities Here’s what you can expect in the months ahead: Pile Installation: Full pile installation throughout the project site is expected to begin either the week of February 17th or the 24th. This will be the most noticeable part of construction, as crews drive piles into the ground to support the racking system for the panels. This work creates noise and the sound can travel, so we apologize in advance for the disruption. Installation will occur during daytime construction hours, 7:00am-6:00pm M-F and occasionally Saturdays based on weather and site conditions. Work will start with Region 1, which is located between Garfield and Stickney Roads, along Sanford Road in Coldwater Township, and proceed south throughout the site. Multiple pile crews may be operating at the same time to complete this task as quickly as possible. Panel Deliveries: Delivery of the solar panels themselves, which will involve an increase in truck traffic to the site, is expected to begin in April. Operations Timeline: The project remains on track for mechanical completion by the end of 2025 and operations commencing in late 2025 or early 2026. As we have additional news, we'll continue sharing them with you in these monthly updates. We’re excited to complete construction in the next year and begin operating the project, delivering clean energy to the electric grid and delivering significant community benefits to Coldwater and Ovid Townships.

January 2025 Construction Newsletter

As we welcome 2025, the Coldwater Solar team would like to thank you for your continued patience and consideration shown to our construction team. We're looking forward to another productive year of progress and collaboration with you. Here's a look at our recent updates and what’s ahead: Construction Progress Update Here are some recent highlights: Fence Installation: The perimeter fencing has been fully installed, ensuring construction can proceed safely and securely. Substation Work: Construction of the substation is progressing on schedule, with the primary foundation poured and other preparations continuing smoothly ahead of main power transformer and other equipment deliveries later this year. Workforce Milestone: Over 150 workers have contributed nearly 50,000 hours of effort on-site, helping drive the project forward efficiently and safely. Upcoming Activities Here’s what you can expect in the months ahead: Electrical Work: Trenching, installation, and backfill for underground collection lines will continue through the winter. Pile Deliveries: We've received our first steel pile deliveries in preparation for pile installation, which is expected to begin between February and March. Solar Panel Deliveries: These will follow by April, with installation to take place throughout the summer. Operations Estimate: The project remains on track for mechanical completion by the end of 2025 and operations commencing in late 2025 or early 2026.

Coldwater Solar Construction Update - December 2024

Happy Holidays from the Coldwater Solar Team! As the year draws to a close, we’re filled with gratitude for your patience and support through the construction process. We’re excited to share the latest updates as we continue making steady progress on Coldwater Solar. Construction Progress UpdateHere are some highlights of our recent progress:Fence Installation: Fence posts and fabric installation have been installed across the site, improving site security and organization. Roughly 75% of the fencing has been installed thus far.Substation Work: Foundation work is progressing, including the excavation of the substation pad and initial concrete pours.Array Seeding and Soil Stabilization:Our team has completed the installation of erosion prevention measures such as silt fencing and detention basins. Following grading efforts, we have planted both temporary cover crops (outside fence) and permanent array seed mixes throughout the entire site. Areas disturbed during construction will be re-seeded during site restoration activities once construction is completed.Underground Cabling: Installation of DC cables in multiple sections is underway, ensuring efficient energy flow across the site.Access Roads: Nearly all access roads have been installed providing safe and reliable access for equipment and personnel. Upcoming ActivitiesLooking ahead, here’s what you can expect in the coming weeks:Tree Trimming: We'll wrap up tree trimming in the Southwest part of the project to prepare for further construction activities.Fence Completion: Ongoing work on fence fabric installation and final touch-ups across multiple areas.Electrical Work: Further underground DC cabling and trench shading to advance the electrical system’s progress. Questions or Feedback?We’re proud to be part of this community and are dedicated to minimizing disruptions as we advance the project. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at coldwatersolar.com/complaint or call 1-866-370-9546.Thank you for your continued patience and support. We look forward to sharing more updates with you in the new year. Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and joyful holiday season!

Coldwater Solar Construction Update - November 2024

Dear Friends and Neighbors, We’re excited to bring you another update on the Coldwater Solar project as construction continues. Our team remains committed to keeping you informed about our progress and working closely with the community. Construction Progress Update We’re pleased to report steady progress in recent weeks. Here are some highlights: Main Laydown Yard: Installation of signage and gates has been completed, enhancing the organization and security of the area. Array Seeding: Initial seeding of the array areas is underway, contributing to soil stabilization and erosion control. Perimeter Fence Installation: Work continues on the perimeter fencing, with posts installed throughout the project. Access Roads: We’ve made significant advancements with aggregate installation on the access roads, providing stable pathways for ongoing and future site activities. Upcoming Activities Looking ahead, you may notice ongoing work on perimeter fencing, tree clearing, and continued development of access roads. Additionally, we’re advancing array seeding efforts, which play a key role in stabilizing soil and preparing the site for environmental restoration. Questions or Feedback? If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach us at coldwatersolar.com/complaint or by calling 1-866-370-9546. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to bring clean, renewable energy to the Coldwater area. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to sharing more updates with you soon. Warmly, The Coldwater Solar Team

Coldwater Solar Construction Update - October 2024

We're pleased to report that construction on the Coldwater Solar project is well underway. Here's a brief overview of our recent progress: The main laydown yard at the corner of Fenn and Sanford is nearly complete, with stone laid, electrical installed, and job trailers being set up. Other site preparation activities are well underway, including limited site grading and construction pre-seeding. Silt fence installation has been completed as an erosion control measure and perimeter fencing will be installed over the coming weeks. Work has commenced on array access roads and the substation area. As we move forward, you may notice increased activity around the project site. Rest assured, we're working diligently to minimize any disruptions to the community while making steady progress on this important clean energy project.

Apex’s Coldwater Solar Secures Power Purchase Agreement, Advancing Michigan Clean Energy

150 MW Project to Boost Local Economy and Enhance Michigan’s Energy Infrastructure Apex Clean Energy announced a power purchase agreement (PPA) with a large Michigan-based energy company for the full capacity of Coldwater Solar, located in Coldwater and Ovid Townships in Branch County, Michigan. This is Apex’s second transaction with the company. “Coldwater Solar represents the successful realization of Michigan’s efforts to harness the economic and environmental advantages of the energy transition, benefiting host communities and customers alike,” said Ken Young, Apex CEO. “As growth in the Great Lakes State accelerates—including a rebound in American manufacturing—the demand for affordable clean power is poised to surge in the coming years. The state of Michigan is leading the nation by cultivating a welcoming business environment that not only attracts these investments, but also delivers tangible benefits to local communities and consumers.” The project is one of the first in the state to utilize a new, bipartisan payment in lieu of taxes (PILT) program that guarantees consistent new revenue for host communities. Additionally, the participating townships will apply for the Renewable Ready Communities Award, a program created through Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s executive budget that enhances the community benefits of renewable energy projects for the communities that host them. Coldwater Solar will generate over $30 million in new tax revenue to benefit local schools, township governments, and county services; more than $35 million to landowners and community participants; approximately $150,000 for nearby environmental conservation efforts; and more than 200 jobs during construction. The project will also fund around $20 million in upgrades to the local transmission system, improving the reliability of Michigan’s electrical grid.

Construction Newsletter - September 2024

This is an exciting time for Coldwater Solar. This summer, agreements were approved by Coldwater and Ovid Townships to guarantee specific levels of tax revenue to support local schools, county services, and the townships themselves. In addition to benefiting from direct tax revenue from Coldwater Solar, both townships are also applying to the State of Michigan’s Renewable Ready Communities grant program, which could provide up to $750,000 in funding directly to the townships ($5,000 per MW) to advance community priorities. In recent weeks, you may have noticed some activity around the project site as we move toward construction. Properties that will host solar panels have been mowed in preparation for site preparation and seeding. Equipment deliveries and job trailer staging at the project construction laydown yard (corner of Sanford and Fenn roads) will start the week of September 3rd and continue in the coming weeks. To keep you informed as we prepare for the work ahead, we want to ensure that you know how to find construction updates and know how to contact us if any issues arise during construction. We hope you can join us for our preconstruction open house at Lockwood Community Church on September 17 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. (more details below) This will be a great opportunity to meet our construction team, ask questions about the project, and learn what you should expect moving forward. In this newsletter, we are also excited to share details about our construction schedule, highlight the project’s community benefits, and provide information on how to contact Coldwater Solar if you have any concerns during construction. Continue reading

Coldwater Solar Powers Ten Community Organizations Through Grant Awards

Apex Clean Energy is pleased to award a new round of funding through the Coldwater Solar Community Grant Program. The program supports organizations across Branch County working to build safe and healthy communities, foster economic development, support environmental sustainability, and promote education. Since its launch in 2021, the program has now awarded over $50,000 in funding to more than twenty different community organizations throughout the Coldwater area. Nationally, Apex has awarded over $4 million in community grant funds to nonprofit organizations through the program. Ten local organizations received funding during this grant cycle, including • Junior Achievement of Michigan Great Lakes • Coldwater Fire Department • Branch District Library • Branch County Coalition Against Domestic Violence • Coldwater Area Chamber of Commerce • Coldwater Township Sunrise Rotary Foundation • Little River Railroad • Quincy Baseball Softball Association • Run Branch County • Lakeland Fire Department Continue reading

Coldwater Solar Grants Awarded to Eight Branch Counry Organizations

Apex Clean Energy has awarded a new round of funding to area non-profits as part of the Coldwater Solar Community Grant Program. Through the program, the local clean energy project supports organizations across Branch County working to build safe and healthy communities, foster economic development, support environmental sustainability, and promote education. Eight local organizations received funding during this grant cycle, including Junior Achievement of Southwest Michigan, Branch Area Careers Center, Eby-Klein Youth & Family Center, Coldwater Fire Department, Branch District Library, Branch Area Rescue Coalition, Coldwater Community Center, and the Cultivating Community Task Force. Continue reading

Coldwater Solar receives township permits, prepares for 2024 construction

Apex Clean Energy's Coldwater Solar project is moving closer to construction and eventual operations after receiving the necessary permit approvals from two local townships in recent weeks. On January 31, the project received approval for its special use permit for facilities located in Coldwater Township, which will have the capacity to generate up to 55 MW of solar energy. On February 13, the Ovid Township portion of the project was also approved, which has a generating capacity of approximately 95 MW. Together, the 150 MW project will generate enough homegrown Michigan clean energy to power about 27,000 homes annually.  Apex Clean Energy's Mulligan Solar project in Logan County, Illinois (Apex Clean Energy)   Continue reading