Coldwater Solar Now Accepting Applications for Winter 2021 Community Grant Program
COLDWATER, MI – The Coldwater Solar Community Grant Program is now accepting applications from local groups and organizations for the program’s Winter 2021 grant cycle. Launched earlier this year, the program has provided more than $10,000 so far to local organizations working to build healthy communities, increase environmental sustainability, foster economic development, and promote education in the Greater Coldwater community.
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Harvest the Sun to Power Our Future
In Michigan and across the country, we are seeing a transformation in how we generate and use electricity. As reported by The Daily Reporter on February 25th, our community is facing a 44-megawatt shortfall of in-state power generation in the coming years, according to the Director of the Coldwater Board of Public Utilities. This shortfall already led to $2.1 million in increased power costs that residents and businesses will bear as ratepayers.
To meet this challenge and provide affordable, clean energy to power Coldwater-area homes and businesses, our community should embrace the proposed Coldwater Solar project in Coldwater and Ovid Townships.
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Five local causes awarded Coldwater Solar Community Grants
September 21, 2021 - Coldwater, MI – Apex Clean Energy and esaSolar are pleased to announce five Coldwater-area programs and organizations as the recipients of the second round of Coldwater Solar Community Grants.
The program was launched at the beginning of this year to support community organizations making an impact in the following areas: Building Healthy Communities, Economic Development, Environmental Sustainability, and Promoting Education.
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Six local causes named recipients of Coldwater Solar Community Grants
Coldwater, MI – Apex Clean Energy and esaSolar are pleased to announce five Coldwater-area programs and organizations as the recipients of the first round of Coldwater Solar Community Grants.
The program was launched earlier this year to support community organizations making an impact in the following areas: Building Healthy Communities, Economic Development, Environmental Sustainability, and Promoting Education.
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Coldwater Solar Announces Launch of Community Grant Program
COLDWATER, MI – Coldwater Solar is announcing a new Community Grant Program to support local organizations and projects serving the residents of Coldwater and Ovid Townships and the broader Branch County community.
Coldwater Solar will be a long-term fixture in the community and one of the project’s primary goals is to be a strong community partner and support residents and organizations that are working to make positive differences in the Greater Coldwater area. At a time when many people and businesses are struggling and community organizations are seeing an increased need for support, the Coldwater Solar Community Grant Program will enable the project to contribute towards pressing community needs and make a meaningful impact.
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The Daily Reporter: Coldwater Solar Farm will have economic impact
by Don Reid
BRANCH COUNTY — With a proposed 150 MW commercial solar farm spread around 1,500 acres of farms, land owners are looking at land leases to produce a steady income for 15 to 30 years with a better more stable income than crop farming.
Sam Gaglio said he and five siblings are “leasing to keep the family farm legacy for future generations.”
Turning the land over to solar farming will allow the land to “rest and rejuvenate” during the 15 to 30 years of the lease no insecticides or chemical fertilizer will be used which will benefit the the watersheds. Ground cover planted under the panels will protect the land and help drainage.
(Read full article on The Daily Reporter here)
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